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     Lesley-Marie Diaz has been an interdisciplinary professional artist since 2003. While many have come to love her as a visual artist, she was a musician first. During her childhood, she gained proficiency in 6 musical instruments and played jazz professionally before graduating high school. It wasn’t until the end of her teenage years that her artistry became her career.


     Lesley began working as a Public Artist in 2008. She was selected for an artist team with a Houston Texas based non-profit, M.O.C.A.H., the Museum of Cultural Arts Houston. At the time, Lesley contributed to dozens of public art projects that varied from mosaics to acrylic murals. She assisted with festivals, and trained many others in her disciplines. Mrs. Diaz spent some time working exclusively with youth. With City Artworks Houston, she was a facilitator for art lessons in schools and summer camps. She later became an instructor for an ‘Art Bus’, a classroom on wheels that traveled to various Houston area schools.


     Another public art team was assembled and Lesley was reunited with old faces and met new ones. Her public art journey continued to new heights and provided her with unique experiences on projects across Texas.


     Lesley is currently a freelance artist specializing in Collaborative Large Scale Murals, Acrylic Painting, Body Art, Makeup and Paint Parties.

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